EasyStoreMaker 1.5
Allows you to enter
all necessary info.
If you have created
a website using Website Wizard, it will automatically fill in Company
Name and Email Address.
Tax Table
Ability to apply State,
Prov or federal tax.
Ability to define the %
amount of tax and name the tax
Allows you to apply 2 diff
tax calculations
Payment types
Option to receive
an order notification
In order to receive
a notification you will have to supply an email address you wish to
be contacted by
You are given an
order processing UserName and are asked to define a password. The password must be greater than 5 characters
long. You will need this to access your Order Online Pickup system.
The URL to this page is: https://www.securewebexchange.com/yourdomainname.com/cgi-bin/online/orders.php
Add/Edit products
SKU number is automatically
assigned to the product
Able to define product name,
description, and price.
Able to display image of
product by a URL or a file you upload through your file manager.
You can set this product
to be hidden from view, or to apply the status of “sold out”
Order Online Pickup System
- Has a password retrieval system, where
if you forget your password, it will be sent to the email address you
specified in the order notification section under the “security”
- Informs you of open orders
- Can sort orders by “open”
or “filled” orders.